Lagoon mapping and enzyme injection systems

Lagoon Mapping

WST Corp provides technical support for Dairy and CAFO lagoon systems, Municipal ponds as well as those of Grain and Animal Processing byproducts.

Lagoon systems often go unnoticed until excessive odor, minimal freeboard, or a notice from a 'helpful' federal organization emerges.

It is often difficult to determine the health of a lagoon system before being blind-sided with dredge charges or fines. It is also not a job that is easily accomplished without intrusive measurement of the collective solids at the bottom of the pond(s). After first hand experience in a rowboat performing manual sludge measurements, a need for a less intrusive method was quickly recognized, inspiring the RDM (Remote Depth Mapper). Custom control subsystems were integrated with off-the-shelf components we were able to create a remotely contolled craft with a sonar chart maker. This allows us to provide depth data in 2-D topographical or 3-D contour formats.

Enzyme Injection Systems

Enzymatic lagoon treatments began to prove successful in the late 1990's. As different treatment regimens were tried, it was discovered that consistent, time injected treatments were most beneficial to struggling symbiotic systems.

While timed injection is not considered a major feat, reliable timed injection has proven more difficult due to unstable power sources and troublesome pump configurations. WST Corp has developed a solar powered, stand-alone, injection system using compact DC powered pumps. Not only can solar powered units can be installed at any location with solar exposure, troubleshooting becomes greatly simplified due to the system being isolated from any infrastructure.

The Maroon Lagoons Package

The Maroon Lagoons service provides:
  • Startup evaluation
    • Initial depth measurement
    • Water TKN analysis
  • Required Components
    • Solar Powered Injection Stand
    • Injection Timer and Pump
    • Enzyme storage Tank
  • Continued Service
    • LiquiDredge Enzyme refill
      • every 2 weeks
    • Hardware Service check
      • every 2 weeks
    • Depth measurements
      • every 6 months
  • Fixed Monthly Cost
  • No long term contract

Maroon Lagoons product description can be seen at

Whether you have a new pond system or an aging collection pond, our 14+ years of experience working with manure and other organic waste can be applied. Depending on size and location, most ponds can be treated between $800 to $1800 per month. For a quote Contact Us!

Maroon Lagoons and associated enzyme products are produced by A-Marc Products.

Before your pond needs dredging...

...and it still looks like this...

...Measure it...

...Map it...

...Treat it...

...Track it...

...No Surprises!